Founded in 2016, LIVE is a soft skills specialist organisation helping students in Year 8-13 from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Changing the narrative of young people by bridging the gap between education and work by providing soft skills training, support and creating access to opportunities to increase social mobility and reduce youth unemployment.

  • Our Mission

    Helping young people create the lives they want to live by providing; soft skills training, support and creating access to opportunities.

  • Our Vision

    We want to create a world where every young person, especially those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, are well-equipped to thrive in the workplace.

  • Our Goal

    Our aim is to be the leading soft-skills training provider for young people in the UK and internationally by running financially sustainable events and workshops.

 Who we’ve worked with


Helping young people create the lives they want to LIVE

Helping young people create the lives they want to LIVE